Biofilter BV series

Biofilter BV series

Biological air deodorization.

Our biofilter removes, with a biological principle, several
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from the air, with an
efficiency of above 99%, the biofilter media is inoculated
with a suitable strains of bacteria.

Biofiltration is a biodegradation of chemical compounds, in
gas phase, into carbon dioxide, water and inorganic salts.
Biofiltration is a biological technology for the removal of
contaminated components from waste gases. In a typical
biofilter configuration, the contaminated gas is passed
through a preconditioner for humidification (if necessary).
The conditioned gas stream is then passed through the
bottom of a filter bed of soil, peat, composted organic
material (such as wood or lawn waste). The media provides
a surface for microorganism’s attachment and growth. The
bed and air stream are kept moist to encourage microbial
activity. Humidification is generally the most influential
parameter of a biofilter, especially at lower VOCs inlet